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Who we are

We are a public-private partnership under the Luxembourg Climate Finance Strategy

The ICFA is an independent non-profit association, set up as a public-private partnership in 2018 under the Luxembourg Climate Finance Strategy. The ICFA members are the Luxembourg Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity, and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Tradeas well as 12 private entities of the Luxembourg financial services sector.

The ICFA is in collaboration with the European Investment Bank and Spuerkeess.

Find more information in our ICFA Introduction Presentation

Download ICFA Introduction Presentation

Our Team

The ICFA is managed by a dedicated, passionate team with a diverse background in the finance and fund industry, across the impact investing spectrum.

Stephan Peters

Chief Executive Officer

Stephan is the Chief Executive Officer of the International Climate Finance Accelerator Luxembourg (ICFA) where he leverages his extensive track record to assist aspiring climate-focused fund managers in structuring their vehicles, formulating investment strategies, guiding operational implementation, securing financing, and building high-performance teams.

Previously, Stephan ran his own sustainable advisory and investment boutique SANZARU, while also part of the team, advocating and educating decision makers to boost awareness of impact investing, sustainability and diversity. Prior, Stephan accumulated experience in private equity, corporate finance and strategy consulting across Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia with blue-chip names like Oliver Wyman, Credit Suisse, and Delta Partners.

Stephan earned an MBA at the prestigious business school INSEAD with locations in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and North America. He earned and a MSc in Aerospace Engineering (cum laude) from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Stephan is also a CFA Charterholder from the CFA Institute.

Laurence Hulin

Programme Director

Laurence brings more than 20 years’ experience to the team, with 5 years’ experience in managing Luxembourg’s premier acceleration programme for start-ups, and over 15 years in the banking and fund management industry.

Jekabs Vinauds

Programme Associate

Jekabs has recently graduated from his Masters in Finance and Economics degree from the University of Luxembourg, where he specialized in Sustainable Finance. Jekabs also brings 2 years experience working in the fund industry in Luxembourg, while also holding a bachelor's degree in Risk Management and Insurance, from the prestigious Kemmy Business School at the University of Limerick.

Camille Dassy

Marketing & Communication Associate

Camille is a Marketing & Communication Associate at the International Climate Finance Accelerator Luxembourg (ICFA) where she supports the refining of the marketing strategy, campaigns and event planning.

Previously, Camille has worked for more than six years in the financial inclusion sector at the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP). She holds a Communication Degree from IHECS (Institut des hautes études des communications sociales) in Brussels.

Giulia Dunand

Summer Analyst

Giulia Dunand, pursuing dual master's in Economics and International Management from Università di Torino and Université Jean Moulin III, joined ICFA as Summer Analyst, bringing infectious energy to program management and cohort support.

Our Board

Alyssa Di Cara

Advisor for Sustainable Finance at the Luxembourg Ministry of Finance

As Advisor for Sustainable Finance at the Luxembourg Ministry of Finance, Alyssa covers national and international sustainable finance initiatives and projects Luxembourg set up or is participating in.

Before joining the Ministry of Finance, Alyssa advised public sector decision-makers on sustainable finance and digitalization matters. Prior to that, Alyssa gained experience in the private sector, mainly in Frankfurt (Germany). At Accenture, she worked with clients on environmental and social sustainability matters (including sustainable finance), as well as thought leadership. There, she also developed a special interest of how new technologies can be leveraged for sustainability. Before that, she worked as an ESG Analyst (covering Financial services and Industrials & Equipment) at the ESG rating firm Sustainalytics, now part of Morningstar.

Alyssa holds an MA in Human Rights, with foci on International Security and Corporate Social Responsibility, from Columbia University (New York, USA), as well as a double BA in International Studies and Geography from Miami University (Ohio, USA). She is based in Luxembourg.

Arnaud Gillin

Partner and co-founder of Innpact

Arnaud Gillin is Partner and co-founder of Innpact. He is leading the fund setup services including feasibility analysis, definition of investment strategies, market studies, financial modelling and operational and legal implementation. With over 25 funding structures designed, Arnaud has developed a strong expertise in the structuring of impact investment funds which account today for more than USD 6bn invested in sectors such as microfinance, climate change, energy efficiency, education, housing, agriculture and social entrepreneurship. Arnaud has 17 years of experience in the financial services sector. Prior to Innpact, he worked as a consultant in financial services and investment funds with Accenture and as risk manager and project manager at Banque de Luxembourg. He holds a MSc. in Management from the Louvain School of Management in Belgium and Master in Microfinance from the Solvay Business School, Brussels.

Denise Voss

Chair of LuxFLAG

Denise Voss is a Non-Executive Director of investment funds and has worked in the financial industry in Luxembourg since 1990, including 25 years with Franklin Templeton, where she was a Conducting Officer and member of the board of the Luxembourg management company. She obtained a BA in psychology from Tufts University, as well as a MSc in accountancy from Bentley University. Ms Voss is currently Chair of LuxFLAG, an independent agency created in Luxembourg in 2006 to support the financing of sustainable development. She is also Chairwoman of the EFAMA Investor Education Platform, was Chairwoman of ALFI from 2015-2019, a member of the ALFI board of directors from 2007-2019 and is currently a member of the ALFI Strategic Board.

Georges Gehl

Fonctionaire to Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development

Noel Fessey

Independent Director

Noel Fessey is an independent director based in Luxembourg. In his financial services career he has been a chief executive, chairman and member of the executive committees and boards of regulated financial services operations companies, fund management companies, and open-ended and closed-ended investment funds in Luxembourg, Bermuda, England, Guernsey, Ireland, and Italy.

Noel was CEO of European Fund Administration from 2017 to 2022, where he led the strategic review and transaction through which it became a member of the Universal-Investment Group. He worked for Schroders from 2000 to 2017 in several roles in London and Luxembourg, including CEO of Schroders Luxembourg from 2003 to 2016 and Global Head of Fund Services. Noel originally joined Schroders as Group Head of IT Security following a 14-year military career.

Noel was a member of ALFI's board of directors from 2005 to 2016 and ALFI’s Strategic Board from 2019 to June 2023.

In Memoriam

Corinne Molitor

Board Director ✟ 09.08.2020

The whole ICFA team has the great sadness to inform you that our dear colleague Corinne Molitor passed away on Sunday 9 August. Our thoughts are with her family during this difficult time.
Corinne had an experience of more than 25 years in the financial sector, in particular related to corporate and institutional clients as well as investment funds. Being passionate about impact finance, she co-developed numerous initiatives to promote the sector. She co-chaired the ALFI Responsible investing committee and sat on the Board of several impact funds, inclusive finance associations as well as the ICFA - International Climate Finance Accelerator Luxembourg.
Corinne held a Master in Business management and a Bachelor in Law from Universités de Strasbourg, France as well as a Certificate in Corporate Governance from INSEAD, Singapore.
Corinne was in charge of managing the ICFA programme, marketing, business development, IT and facilities.
She loved playing the piano, travelling and jogging.

Sachin Vankalas

Board Director ✟ 15.07.2021

The ICFA team has the great sadness to inform you that our colleague Sachin Vankalas passed away on 15th July 2021. Our thoughts are with his family.
Sachin Vankalas was the general manager of LuxFLAG and was a member of the ICFA Board since its launch in 2018. He was an active contributor to the development and realization of the programme. Sachin was universally recognized for his expertise and pioneering leadership in responsible investment. He was a passionate advocator of sustainable finance and the importance of guiding the transformation of the financial market in that direction. Sachin leaves behind a young family, friends, and colleagues, to whom we extend our deepest condolences. He will be sorely missed.