Annycent Capital – Request for Proposal: Marketing & Fundraising Support

2024-04-16 17:10:46 Comment(s) By Stephan Peters

Annycent Capital is an alternative investment management firm, investing in small to medium-sized (25-200 MW) renewable energy assets, mainly solar PV, wind and hydro projects, in a select group of high-growth emerging markets. Annycent’s investments are designed to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns for investors, while advancing environmental and social objectives aligned with the U.N. Sustainable Development Agenda and the Paris Agreement. To this end, Annycent Capital is seeking support to perform various fundraising and marketing tasks for its flagship investment solution, Annycent Clean Energy, primarily:
  • Providing insights into target markets and target clients, analysis of the Fund’s value proposition and generally supporting us enhancing our marketing documents;
  • Screening of prospective investors to optimize fund raising and reduce risk of wasted meetings; supporting marketing of the Fund to eligible potential investors and organizing meetings and post-meetings feedback as well as due diligence support as needed;
Interested service providers are encouraged to engage with the Annycent team to obtain further details. All communications should include Albane Hartzer (, copying by 18:00, April 30 th, 2024.
Please note that this Request for Proposal is subject to the ICFA General Terms of Business.
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