Our Selection Timeline

Our Selection Process
Selection Phase 1: Expression of Interest
- Are you interested in applying to our programme? Carefully review the Eligibility Criteria to understand if this programme is relevant to you.
- Next, create an account on the Accelerating Impact website.
- Review the guidance on our selection process as well as the required list of documents and topics to complete your Expression of Interest.
- Submit the requested documents before the Expression of Interest deadline, which you can find in our application hub.
- Our team will review the eligibility of all Applicants as soon as possible after the Expression of Interest window closes, and provide all Applicants with feedback.
- Eligible Applicants will be granted access to a wide range of resources, including our training academy, on our Portal. These resources will remain accessible to all Eligible Applicants for the entirety of the selection process, regardless of the outcome.
- Up to 25 Eligible Applicants will be invited to the next phase.
Selection Phase 2: Draft Application
- After you receive your invitation to continue the selection process, you will be requested to prepare and submit a broader set of documents.
- You are allowed to change any document previously submitted without any repercussions. You can use our resources, made available on our Portal, to strengthen your Project.
- Submit the requested documents before the Draft Application deadline, which you can find in our application hub.
- Our Application Review Team will deep-dive into your Project and invite you to an interview to understand it in more detail.
- Our Application Review Team will provide the Programme Team with detailed feedback and a recommendation which Applications to shortlist. The Programme team will provide all Applicants with detailed feedback.
- Up to 12 Shortlisted Applicants will be invited to the next phase.
Selection Phase 3: Final Application
- If you are shortlisted, we will provide all Shortlisted Applicants with detailed feedback on their Applications and invite you to virtual training workshops. These workshops will allow you to address any advanced questions to our expert trainers, in order to strengthen your Application.
- You are allowed to change any document previously submitted without any repercussions.
- Submit the requested documents before the Final Application deadline, which you can find in our application hub.
- Each member of our Selection Committee will review and assess your Application. You will be invited to an interview to understand your Application in more detail.
- Our Selection Committee will provide the Programme Team with detailed feedback and a recommendation which Applicants to select. The Programme team will provide all Applicants with detailed feedback.
- Up to 4 Applicants will be selected to join our acceleration programme and benefit from four years of technical and financial support.