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Beyond Finance

Copyright: Stephan Chaboureau

Beyond Finance is a team led by 2 experienced female professionals with 30+ years of track record in impact investments in emerging countries. We seek to build innovative and transformative solutions to solve women’s access to funding and essential products and services, which are still a significant challenge in emerging countries. Women are underrepresented in companies management, decision making, and product design , often leading to products and services poorly designed for women specific needs.

Beyond Finance want to support companies addressing the specifics needs of women in their adaption and resilience to climate change in emerging markets with adequate funding, technical assistance and guidance to improve gender equality.

We focus on frontier sectors in access to water, sustainable agriculture, access to clean energy, financial inclusion services as they benefit disproportionally women and are critical to climate resilience. We intend to drive these companies to understand better the specific needs of their female customers in Asia and Sub Saharan Africa and unlock the value of a gender-centric approach. There will be an incentive mechanism for companies who meet their pre-agreed gender equality and/or climate resilience targets as well as technical assistance to support them.

Our ambition is to design and implement the next generation of transformative solutions using a gender lens for achieving climate resilience. We intend to replicate this solution over time in other regions and other sectors. One of the few female led team in our space, we are partnering with reputable organisations in Europe and in emerging markets to deploy our solutions. We are aligned with the 2X Challenge and have received an initial grant from the Australian Government through Convergence that was announced at the COP26 under the Indo-Pacific Design Funding Feasibility Study Window and a follow up grant from the Canadian Government under the Gender-Responsive Climate Finance Design Funding Window.

Photo copyright: Stephan Chaboureau



Target Region

Asia - South East
Asia - East
Asia - South
Africa - East


Financial Inclusion
Water and Sanitation

EU Taxonomy

Climate Change Adaptation
Sustainable Use and Protection of Water and Marine Resources